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Take back the 338 - A New Canada!

We'd like to welcome all Canadians who read this proposed initiative to resolve domestic problems and reform how our levels of government operate for our people.

Political Party System - Why they've failed.

Let's begin with common problems within the party system that prevents our country to move forward simply based on nonsensical policies.

It's now evident that the typical party system simply no longer works for the people of Canada because of "party" policies which only represents the voters voting for said party members for each of it's Electoral Districts & Associations.(EDA)

Here's a common scenario which explains the problem with that system:

  1. Party members elected into Government only speak for those who vote or are members of their respected memberships.

  2. If NDP/Liberal/PPC/Greens and other voters within these EDA's do not get the same assistance from elected MP's of their ridings. It's as if Canadians get punished for not voting for them.

  3. When challenged on the matter, politicians lie.

  4. Within the party organizations, members must adhere to the policies and standards the party sets forth.

  5. The "buy in" game still exists within all levels of government and both levels of each party platform. Meaning, those candidates who pay more, receive more attention via a pay as you go concept which is a secretive strategy within all party's.

  6. Candidates who break policies are punished and at times sacked from the organization.

  7. With these common issues at hand, no resolve can be obtained as no consensus can be agreed upon simply due to party policies which are forced to be adhered to by each of its candidates and members.

  8. Within the Legislative Assemblies and House of Commons, when Canadians tune into CPAC or other live broadcasts, the end result of each debate never resolves issues for Canada or it's Provincial bodies all the way down to Municipal. Canadians can all agree with almost 100% certainty that Government debates can be compared to a schoolyard argument over lunch money. Complete failure to govern the nation.

Disregard for National Security and Public Safety.

Throughout the early 1990's our national intelligence community has warned our politicians on multiple occasions regarding outside electoral interference by other nations and entities.

  1. Our elected MP's, MPP's and MLA's along with other Parliamentarians have been undermining processes and mandates of our Intelligence Authorities, the RCMP and Global Affairs Canada. The undermine is the fact that parliamentarians have created their own secret intelligence agency with the sole purpose to destroy the credibility of our intelligence community and agencies which protect Canada's National Security.

  2. While we studied options for Canadians to bring a solution forth, we took some time to contact some of these bodies of authority and asked them "WHY" no charges are being laid against these MP's and the answer we got from the RCMP head office was that the Federal Liberals have made so many cutbacks to the RCMP and other bodies of authority which at this point prevents them from investigating. The Federal Liberals have overstepped and now dictate to our police forces based on new rules they table behind everyone's back.

  3. Public Safety is a a major concern in Canada right now. The new directive in Canada is to cater to addicts, organized crime with the sell of fentanyl which is mostly imported from China. Another concern is the partnership with big pharma which feeds the fentanyl/opiate black market in turn also supports and elevates the functions of a broken harm reduction policy. Canada's Federal Government would rather roll out the sale of cocaine, heroin and injection sites over a national treatment program to keep the population healthy and safe. These initiatives go against the principal of protecting Canadian citizens and undermines the ability to fight crime, keep our community safe with the focus of a healthy collective. To point out the disregard for Public Safety by the Liberal/NDP coalition, the members of these party's ignored reports from Alberta regarding the harm injection sites cause to public safety. The report showed that the program kills more, causes more overdoses and raises crime by 400%. The question Canadians need to ask: Why not treatment centers?

  4. Human Trafficking / Safety of Canadian Children / Missing Indigenous Women and Children / Violent Crimes / Sex Crimes. -> Canadians need to ask themselves, why is the Canadian Government on one hand preaching about anti-bullying, violence towards the LGBTQ+ and religious hate crimes rather than put focus on the real crimes that need to be addressed. It's now apparent that Liberal/NDP members pot shot their focus on marginalized minority groups rather than everyone or the majority as a whole. These actions cause a severe injustice to our society whereas favoritism for votes is more important than saving a life or keeping Canadians safe. We need to invest and put more focus on fighting real crimes to protect all Canadians rather than allow Liberal/NDP views and opinions to dictate to the court system to play favorites with criminals. Ruleset needs to change and keep criminals behind bars.

  5. Immigration via broken policies and disregard to secure our National Border with Roxham Rd and favoritism towards refugees vs helping Canadians. Much of the new gun crimes, gang violence and human trafficking has been attributed to those coming over at Roxham Rd. Authorities are aware of these serious threats yet the government turns a blind eye which again causes harm to Canada's domestic safety with its citizens. The impacted issues which also arise from this has caused a mass demand for sustainable housing because the Governments have taken a role to kick out Canadians living in low income rentals that are subsidized to help our people to house those crossing from Roxham rd. Niagara Falls, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Toronto and other municipalities are involved in a program moving refugees around Ontario as if these people were cattle. In terms of financial assistance and medical coverage, again non-Canadians get more, offered more and treated better than Canadians who are paying the bill for all this. We need to shut Roxham rd immediately.

  6. Gun Crimes vs Canadian Gun owners -> Canadians are fully aware that the continued assault on our gun laws by the Liberals/NDP are of what we call quasi thinking which only benefits street gangs and chinese interests. The mandate currently seems to be disarm all Canadians including the Tribes of the land. The question that needs to be asked here is simple: For decades, authorities have seized, confiscated and also offered a immunity hand in program to help our society remain safe. However our question is why are confiscated weapons returning on the streets directly in the hands of street gangs created by new refugees which authorities and intelligence groups are fully aware of. The focus should only be directed onto the criminals not legal and responsible Canadians.

  7. Public Safety -> Children's Aid Society/ Child Protective Services needs a complete overhaul. These private corporations have been responsible for many deaths, missing children and a very high percentage of sex crimes/human trafficking. And again our Government refuses to act to keep children safe. There is too much power granted to these corporations that collude with human traffickers therefore a complete systematic overhaul is necessary.

  8. Over-excessive policing and armament of municipal police services: This is a public safety concern for ALL Canadians including a heeded warning to our armed forces. Municipal police forces are armed in such a way that our very own armed forces lack tools to protect Canadian interests and securities here and abroad. Our local police forces should not be more armed and modernized than our militaries. Police forces in Canada are armed with LRAD's, Battering Tanks, High tech drones, and so much more in weapons arms. Canadian soldiers are given far less to go to war. This is a concern at the highest level.

  9. Court System/Judicial: The rotating door of wheels and deals between Crown attorneys and Defence lawyers needs to be looked at and reformed. This twisted function of laws allow for criminals like pedophiles, opiate dealers and killers to walk around that rotating door with excuses such as "to catch the bigger fish" or use the means of mental health policies to walk free. Our justice system needs a complete overhaul to put real criminals behind bars to serve out their punishments.

  10. Immigration/Refugees/New Canadians: The major concern here is simple. Canada allows rival terrorist groups to come to our country. There already have been reports of clashes between rivals in Ontario. Some of these rival actions have been used to elevate anti hate crimes which are blamed on innocent Canadians in some cases. The public safety concern regarding our broken immigration policies needs serious investigation and reform.


Independence Protest 2023 / Take Back Canada.

The Plan:

Offer the solution to Canadians that will propel this country to make change using the rule of law and functions of the electoral process created before us.

What we need to know first:

  1. Acknowledge the Electoral process offers Canadians to be elected as 'Independent Candidates" to become Federal Member of Parliament (338 Federal Seats)

  2. Only 25-27% of Canadians vote & only 22% of the Indigenous population vote. This gives Canadian Independent Candidates an advantage.

  3. Within the 25-27% of the voter base 15-19% is split up between the 2 major political party's making up approximately 12-13 million Canadians in turn only 6-7 million of Canadians make up the formation of ruling government via minority/majority.

  4. Protests groups vs Political Party Volunteer Groups: Based on the information our team researched it's apparent that protest groups such as the "Freedom Convoy"/ "Freedom Movement" outnumbers all party volunteers by 11:1. This means if we used protestors to canvass neighborhoods we outnumber all political party volunteers combined by 11:1. If Canadians broadened their ability to encourage counter protest groups to find a common ground to work in solidarity these numbers increase to 27:1 in favor of Canadians on the ground spreading the message of hope and change.

  5. Free Media vs "State Funded" media: After 3 years of monitoring free speech media like organizations such as Druthers, Rebel News, True North and social media influencers it's now apparent that Canadians will gain an edge if these organizations and individuals stay true to the cause to assist this initiative to move Canadians forward.

  6. One of the most important factors for Canadian voters to recognize is that the political party system has eroded our immigration policies and now used immigration as a tool for political gain. When 40 million Canadians reside in our country and our government knows they get the bare minimum to form Government therefore the solution for them is manipulate the system by flooding 30 million more people into the country from now till 2030. That would double our population and harm our democracy.

  7. The "Money going out" Canadians need to know that over 1 trillion dollars of our money has been given to other organizations like Global Fund, World Economic Forum Partners and Ukraine. This money could fix our country. Therefore it's relevant to state that our governments for others and not in the best interests of its people.

The "Independence Protest"

  1. The "Independence Protest" on April 1st, 2023 which will take place in Ottawa on Parliament Hill are calling for the removal of the Liberal Party of Canada. Canadians have lost confidence with the Government's continued collusion with organizations like the World Economic Forum, Global Fund and Chinese interference which is responsible for a rigged election. The last federal election was declared over 197,000 ballots whereas 200,850 ballots we're not submitted by Liberal/NDP biased volunteers which swayed elections. Therefore Liberals are guilty of manipulating our elections and pushing forward with a coup d'états on our democracy with the help of China.

  2. The protest ends when the Liberal Party have been deplatformed by Elections Canada and a snap election is called.

  3. There's 2 parts to this protest which 1 phase of it cannot be divulged to the public as it will allow authorities and government to take precautions preventing this plan to move forward. The plan is a non-violent and peaceful approach with an aggressive overtone taken from methods of other activists throughout history. This plan requires the help of 200 protestors/activists to ensure our demands are met.

  4. This protest is the most important element for Canadians right now. If we pass this opportunity and let it go, Canada will be lost forever. This protest will serve as a key function and the base foundation for the next part of our plan: "Take Back Canada" initiative and move forward with reform.

  5. The success of this protest is so important to all Canadians. Imagine the power vacuum this will created if Canadians are successful to compel the deplatform of a political party. The power vacuum would immediately shift to the Independent Candidates which would gain them a potential 208 seat victory. The success depends on Canadians right now, our resiliency, our pride, and our humanity.

Take Back Canada - The 338 Initiative

The purpose for this initiative is simple. If 200 seats or more are achieved the first order of business and motion for the Coalition is to call for a "National Referendum" calling for National Reform of all levels of Government. We as Canadians have lost faith in the abilities of our government's decision making which is now causing harm on our population to the point it's causing loss of life due to neglect. One of the most important principles and foundation of Canada's democracy is it's National Security, Privacy of Canadian Citizens and the Civil Freedoms and Liberties. It is now evident that a clear concern has been raised not only by the authorities & intelligence agencies but Canadians as a whole. Canadians also recognize that the political party system is an oligarchy system which changes simply with the use of public opinion convoluted with propaganda techniques by state run media outlets like CTV, Global, CBC and it's subs with the sole purpose to support the political party system.

Canada's political system can be streamlined across the table by eliminating big government and amalgamating the system entirely. The main reason why Canada is broken is because decision making via pass the buck system has created such a backlog in resolve nothing gets done. A coalition of Independents with the help of Tribal leaders can propel Canada into a new future and resolve domestic issues in months rather than decades. The time for change is now.

How we begin:

  1. We need 338 Canadians to apply to Elections Canada and begin the Candidate Application process. Information is here:

  2. The 338 Independent Candidates must consist of Tribal people of the land and Canadians who will take action and form a Independent Coalition of Candidates working together individually. The coalition is not to be registered as a political party.

  3. Candidates will work with grassroots protests groups acting as volunteers used to campaign the message for change. Literature passed out will be 1 page with information on each side. 1 side explains the purpose and why. 1 side presents the names & info of Candidates running for the 338 Federal seats. 1 message, 1 purpose handed to 1 Canadian at a time.

  4. Cross Canada tour to engage with Canadians and consult all Representatives of the Tribes to open discussion in hopes to create an "Allyship" coalition with the purpose of resolve on all outstanding issues. -> Read "Offered Solution" for more info. Part of this tour will also engage with volunteer groups to educate them on the platform, canvassing outlines, and empower these groups with everything they needs to talk to Canadians they meet. Most importantly the objective of the tour is to listen to the ideas and solutions that Canadians have to offer and allow their voiced to be heard and recognized.

  5. Compel Canadians to become Independent Candidates: Anyone can apply.

Possible solutions to our domestic issues in Canada: Canadians should consider creating a streamlined constitution to protect all our rights and liberties. No more special clauses to empower Government to control its people. Canadians deserve to live with dignity and freedoms. Replace the Charter and Bill altogether.

  1. Tribes of the land - The solution is simple. Canada without prejudice must release all bonds to the Tribal People of the Turtle Island and declare that all their lands are now Sovereign Nations. With the release of bonds this allows the dissolution of Indian Affairs and any other Crown run organization which dictates to the Tribes. We completely free the Tribes from Canadian bondage. We must also acknowledge that we the Canadian people who share the land with our Tribal Nations continue to work in partnership for the betterment of humanity. Tribal Leaders and Independents should always maintain a coalition of leadership for Canada and for Tribal Nations.

  2. Homelessness & Addictions: Canada needs to halt the national harm reduction program, shut down independently stand alone safe injection sites, halt the safe supply program and disband any company in Canada to end the purchase and processing of cocaine which is to be used as a safe supply for addicts. Canada should invest into a national treatment program whereas we build treatment centers, look at alternative methods of treatment, move the safe injection sites into treatment centers and gradually focus on the shut down of methadone/suboxone farms. We need to invest into our people at all costs to maintain a healthy population. Canada should create a 1 time offer to addicts with the sole purpose to invest and help our people get better, re-educated, re-trained and become responsible and healthy members of our collective. We can no longer invest in programs that sustain a long life of addictions. The programs offered today increase cimes, deaths, suicides, overdoses etc. Canada's current solution is to keep its people high on toxic drugs. Homelessness rates in Canada could be reduced to almost nothing if we invested in Canadians who offer great solutions at very low cost. The problem has been always red tape and the gatekeepers of those who listen to corporations. It's money game. In Canada there's so many abandoned townships marked as "Uncategorized, UnIncorporated" - These abandoned towns could be revitalized with tiny homes and setup to offer a re-education, re-training and treatment for those struggling. We could also revitalize these townships and offer sustainable housing for Canadians to offset the housing market which needs to be reformed. (Imagine a tiny home community that specializes in educating new farmers, new carpenters, new mechanics etc.) (Imagine the use of building a tiny home community to help Canadians suffering from addictions to get them healthy again) ***********A plan to bring solutions to help areas for Mental Health are currently being worked on.

  3. National Energy Grid streamlined across the nation. Our country should focus more on the development of new technologies and embrace a partnership with Canada's top energy producers Alberta/Quebec/Ontario. We need to invest and roll out Canadian technologies as "Made In Canada" priorities that could lead Canada's energy sector as World Dominance. In Canada there are technologies being suppressed that could help Humanity as a whole to purify the air and use the impurities that could be recycled into applied carbon based products which eliminates the production for standard plastics all together. This technology could also evolve to give Canada an edge on the world market because the tech cleans the air by extracting CO2 and other particles. Imagine if Canada becomes a nation who is responsible for fixing a major issue regarding pollution and we start charging tariffs or impose sanctions for major polluters of other developed nations to pay us for it.

  4. National Healthcare Reform: The perfect Healthcare Program for Canadians is that the contributions of taxes cover full health, dental, vision to the entire population. Many segments of the Healthcare industry needs a overhaul and needs reform. This initiative should be discussed and conversed with all Canadians so we all have input to offer a new direction and a new system for Canada.

  5. Canada's Housing Crisis: The solution to our housing crisis is pretty simple. Canadians needs to realize the land mass available to our collective and build. To alleviate the housing crisis right away we can create tiny home communities using the abandoned townships across Canada. A we move forward we can start reinvesting into old real estate owned by our government and renovate them into affordable housing. Old real estate can also be used to create treatment centers.

  6. Money to other countries/entities: We need to halt all funding going out. End all donations going out. All monies should be used to re-invest into our country, fix our domestic problems and when we are ready we start helping other countries who need our help. Canada has given it's purse away to other countries and entities and we've seen nothing in return. Much of the money given away actually fund terror groups. It's time to fix Canada first.

  7. Safeguard our National Interests/Security/Democracy: We must ensure we create new statutes and policies to ensure that elected representatives never collude with groups whose interests are to hack away at our democracy and pollute our foundation as a nation. It is important that we overhaul our system with the purpose of protecting Canada. We cannot allow elected officials to create their own Intelligence groups to dictate or dissolve authorities who maintain the security of our National Interests. More more to discuss with all 338 Candidates.

  8. Military/Veterans: Canada needs to revamp our Military and ensure that those who put their lives up to defend our country are compensated in full without prejudice. We have the money for our veterans therefore we need to compensate them without question.

This plan requires so much more. It's important that we add more as we move forward, we need to gather as much input from all Canadians and Tribal people across the land. This is the time for all our voices to be heard and put into action.

This is not an official plan. This is a foundation of a potential initiative and finally offer resolve to all Canadians and Tribal people of the land. So much more consultation needs to take place before we all campaign.

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