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China's attack on Canada's Democracy

Over the last few weeks, mainstream media has released information regarding electoral interference and collusion to give Trudeau the edge and push forward China's narrative to chip away at Canada's democracy. It seems with the current state of affairs that Canadians are just waking up to the severity of outside interference with groups like the World Economic Forum, Global Fund and China. The thing is though, this isn't anything new to people like myself who've been out there for the last 12-15 years telling Canadians that Canada has been under attack via cyber warfare, manipulation of our immigration programs, academia exchange program and so on. The problem right now with Canadians is there seems to be some type of lag within their psyche; meaning the population as a whole takes longer to realize the damage done simply because of propaganda techniques used by media, stuff like gorilla marketing strategies. "The more you repeat to a mass audience, the greater they will comply to do whatever asked of them" -> SAD.

There's hope though. And we can all thank the Freedom Convoy organizers, truckers and participants for waking the country up. It in fact took the actions of the convoy in Ottawa to make Canadians look outside the box and pay attention. As sad as it is, the use of force also strengthened our resolve together putting the fear in our government at this present time.

Some interesting facts Canadians should know about regarding the sophistication of Chinese interference within all levels of Government and the Public Service sector.

COVID - The rollout of mandates and policies were written by (John)Jun Wu who is one of the heads of Canada's Public Health Agency.

Wu immigrated to Canada in 1998. He majored in English and Pedagogy at Northwestern Polytechnical University in China and the University of Toronto, Canada, and obtained a double master's degree. Now head of writing pandemic response policies for Canada's Public Health Agency.

Affiliations: China Communist Party

Connected to suspected Chinese agents: Zhongjie Jiang, PC MP Bob Saroya, Billy Pang, Vincent Ke, Toronto City Councillor Ms. Cynthia Lai, Geng Tan, Jean Yip, Haicheng Wang,

Frank Scarpitti, Hu Run[Hurun Report], Vincent Ke(MPP), The Canada Gansu Federation of Chamber of Commerce (CGFCC), Toronto Chamber of Commerce, Wanzhuo Nan, Zhaoan Sui, Qiongying Song, Hui Zhao, Xiaoning Wang, Jiaqing Zhu, Danyang Zheng, Dongmei Wei, Iris Zhang, Luyang Yan, Yong Zhang.

What's interesting with all these agents our team as identified is the fact that they're all tied to each other via a huge number of Federal Corporations at the same addresses which begs to ask the question of what's really going on here.

1999–2000: According to the reports, Sidewinder was a “top secret government project” launched in 1995 and staffed by a joint team of “civilian and police analysts and investigators” from both CSIS and the RCMP

2012, CSIS raised concerns about "China’s state-owned CNOOC Ltd made an unexpected $15.1 billion bid for Canadian energy company Nexen Inc, Canada’s spy agency told ministers that takeovers by Chinese companies may threaten national security."(Reuters)

In 2014, the Wilson Center wrote an article about how China wants to target specific states to interference in their domestic policies and policy making:

May 2017, the House of Commons released a report of the "Standing Committee

on Public Safety and National Security" This report was basically an excuse for MP's who were colluding with China to attack our Intelligence community who protect the interests of Canadian National Security.

June 2017, Government bolsters rights and security in comprehensive proposed legislation.

Government of Canada is following through on one of its key commitments by tabling proposed legislation that will enhance Canada’s national security and safeguard Canadians’ rights and freedoms. The comprehensive bill covers a wide range of measures that were informed by the views and opinions provided by engaged citizens, stakeholders, experts, parliamentarians and others during the broad public consultation.

In 2017, it was more important for Liberals to protect the China/Canada Free Trade Agreement rather than pay attention and address the intelligence warnings from CSIS regarding interference in the elections:

(February 25, 2021) Special Committee on Canada-China Relations: National Security Dimension of the Canada-China Relationship

Here's a complete listing of changes regarding our intelligence community and the interference by Members of Parliament.

In conclusion it is obvious that the Liberals and Conservatives are manipulation the functions of government without consulting Canadians. In these cases when such drastic changes are being made, it should be called to a national referendum to ensure the spirit of the people of Canada agree. It is our security which is all in our best interest to know what authority organizations are doing to safeguard all Canadians.

Jason LaFace Goulet

Canada's Freedom Radio

March 8th, 2023

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