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Canada’s PM Trudeau & DPM Freeland’s Exposed

Justin Trudeau – Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister.

Guilty: Crimes against humanity, Human Rights Violations, Political Interference, Treason for violating Canadian National Interests and Security, Economic Failure endorsing hyper inflation. Use of violence against peaceful protestors exercising their democratic rights via the Charter of Rights & Freedoms.

In 2007, he built a community-based, grassroots campaign off the backs of the cannabis industry to win the Liberal Party nomination in the Montréal riding of Papineau. He was elected in 2008, and re-elected in 2011, 2015, and 2019 by modifying the electoral process and also vote miscounts which gave him the illegal win. Justin was elected Leader of the Liberal Party in April 2013 with the help of outside interference by the World Economic Forum. His leadership campaign focused on race baiting, attacks on free opinions and demonizing Canadians, pitting hundreds of thousands of Canadians into politics, most for the first time while using the tools of division and hate to divide Canadians against each other over anything Trudeau used to virtue signal with. He worked closely with his team to build a plan to destroy jobs, hyper inflate the economy, attack Canadians with violence, and use the middle class as a ploy to join his fascist gang. With Justin’s leadership, the Liberal plan emphasized on destroying Canada’s economy by killing jobs and small businesses with continued lockdowns used by his Provincial Premieres.. On October 19, 2015, Justin led his party to a fraudulent victory, winning a majority government with seats in every province and territory across the country. He was sworn in on November 4, 2015. On October 21, 2019, Justin led the Liberal Party to re-election, earning a second mandate from Canadians via voter fraud. As Prime Minister, Justin leads a new fascist government that dictates a removal of freedoms and civil liberties. His team is focused on reigning in a twist of communism, Marxism and ultra radical left wing ideologies like Nazism. Justin recently used force on peaceful Canadians who we’re in their right to freely protest draconian COVID19 mandates. Justin invoked the Emergencies Act with WF sidekick and domestic terrorist Jagmeet Singh who has also conducted a media campaign of hate and division against peaceful Canadians who protested because they lost their ability in 2022 to celebrate Black Lives Matters who goes out and uses violence, vandalism and brute force to demonize fellow Canadians. Trudeau and his criminal friends kneel down in respect to BLM rather than arrest them. Trudeau is an enemy of the People of Canada as of Feb 18th, 2022.


Deputy Prime Minister – Chrystia Freeland(Nazi Party)

Chrystia Freeland is Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Freeland’ is a descendant of known Nazi Mykhailo Khomiak who owned and operated Hitler’s propaganda machine known as Kravkivs’ki Visti. This outlet was directly partnered with Hitler and Joseph Goebbels. It’s astonishing that Canada even allowed Chrystia to be in a leadership role considering she praised her grandfather’s role that sent millions of innocent Jews to their deaths. It’s not surprising to Canadians that Freeland’s involvement with The World Economic Forum is a tool of outside interference to disrupt the base foundations of Canada’s Democracy. Freeland is responsible for interfering with Venezuelan economic policies which sent Venezuela spiraling into protests. In Canada alone during the Nation Council of Muslims meeting, Freeland was yelled at by many Venezuelans accusing her for her role in political interference. We all know now that Chrystia Freeland is a Nazi conducting attacks via diplomatic bullying. In fact when you speak to the vast majority of Canadians, they all want her to resign just based on her family’s direct involvement with Hitler and Goebbels. Now Freeland is an agent for the World Economic Forum spearheaded by a Hitler wanna be we all know as Klaus Schwab. Freeland and Trudeau need to be held to account and face prosecution within International Courts for crimes against humanity.

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